
Redland City Council is the Local Tourism Organisation (LTO) for Redlands Coast. Led by a skilled team, the organisation focuses on:

  • Supporting the growth and development of the local tourism industry, with a focus on strategic planning and advocacy for the region.

  • Aligning tourism initiatives with key stakeholders, including local, state, and federal governments, as well as tourism partners and industry groups.

  • Driving regional marketing, product development, industry development, and tourism sustainability, while fostering collaboration, skills training, networking, and leadership.


Redlands Coast AdventureFest 

Check out the Redlands Coast AdventureFest Toolkit to see how you can be involved and share the excitement!


For industry resources, please visit the links below.


Learn more about Redlands Coast logo usage.


The Redlands Coast Destination Management Plan 2023-2028 provides the strategic framework for the region's tourism growth. It outlines a clear vision for the industry across five focus areas aimed at enhancing visitor experiences, fostering sustainability, and driving long-term economic success. Read the plan here.

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