
Watercolour Australian Flowers Workshop - Introduction to Watercolour Painting

Join artist and illustrator Ingrid for this 3-hour beginners watercolour workshop to learn how to bring some beautiful Australian flowers to life in painted form.

To start, Ingrid will guide you through the basics of using watercolour paints, paper and brushes. You will learn how to activate your colours using water, make a range of tones, create different brush strokes and mix colours.

Using these skills, Ingrid will then demonstrate some elements of how to paint a bottlebrush flower and some wattle. You'll look at a few different ways to approach these flowers including wet on wet and wet on dry techniques, and talk about how you might create a composition on your page when painting these flowers. You'll then have the opportunity to bring all these elements together to create your own A5 bottlebrush artwork. You can choose to draw your own design, or use the templates provided. The focus will be on the bottlebrush, but requests can also be made for demos of how to include other flora such as eucalyptus leaves, ferns and more!

This workshop is suitable for beginners with little or no experience, and all materials are supplied.

2025-03-01 14:00:00
2025-03-01 17:00:00